LitNet’s 2024 Impact Report: “Strength in Partnership”

From LitNet’s Leaders
LitNet thrives on its many varied collaborations, and we are pleased to highlight them in our first digital impact report.

Marcy and Clay: Acting Local, Impacting Lives
We recently moved to The Berkshires and promptly became interested in connecting to a community doing valuable work in the region.
Our Reach is Ever Expanding
LitNet’s work in 2024 involved 749 community members, including those who enrolled in our services and those who helped deliver them.
- 324 LitNet Learners
- 233 LitNet Volunteer Tutors
- 142 Community Members Who Attended Workshops in LitNet's First-Generation College Support
- 26 LitNet Staff and Board
- 24 Community Members Who Participated in LitNet's Career Expo for the Immigrant Comunity

Helping the Next
Generation Get to College
Started in 2023 to support the growing number of first-generation high school students in Berkshire County, LitNet’s First-Generation College Support Program offers bilingual workshops to the families of students who are the first in their families to navigate the college application process in the United States.
- 142 students and/or their family members attended LitNet’s First-Gen programming in 2024.
- LitNet established ongoing relationships with local high schools.
- The First-Gen program offered multiple community-wide workshops.

LitNet’s Foundation: Our 1:1 Tutoring Programs
LitNet has been offering its free, individualized 1:1 tutoring since 1991. LitNet served 324 individuals in its 1:1 tutoring programs in 2024. These include English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), U.S. citizenship test preparation, high school equivalency, and basic education for adults. Learners enrolled in our tutoring programs ranged in age from 17 to 80, came from 32 different countries, and spoke 18 different languages collectively. Ninety percent were enrolled in LitNet’s ESOL Tutoring.
LitNet’s waitlist averaged about 40 individuals throughout the year—the most we’ve ever had. Due to the growing demand for ESOL in the Berkshires in recent years, LitNet made the major step of opening a satellite office in Pittsfield, located in Volunteers in Medicine’s (ViM’s) new South Street location.
# Learners by Tutoring Program

2024 Highlights
LitNet’s Annual Fundraiser, “A Celebration of Friends”
On Friday, September 20, 2024, LitNet staff, board, donors, volunteers, and learners gathered together for a “Celebration of Friends” on the patio at Amici Restaurant in West Stockbridge (which is co-owned by LitNet Keator Scholarship Recipient...
Career Expo for the Immigrant Community
Throughout 2024, LitNet began considering ways it can offer programming to help its learners and the Berkshire immigrant community become more successful in the workplace...
Storytelling at the New Marlborough Meeting House
On July 20, five LitNet learners and one LitNet tutor took the stage at the New Marlborough Meeting House to perform their personal stories on the theme of Challenge. Participants worked for several weeks with local storytelling...
On April 19, 2024, LitNet learners and their children joined us at the Norman Rockwell Museum for a morning of kids’ books, songs, and stories in English and Spanish! Intended to promote early literacy...

Celebrating 5 Years of the Matthew and Hannah Keator Family Scholarship for New Americans
“Some families might be faced with the decision to pay for the citizenship application cost or put food on their family’s table or sneakers on their kids’ feet, and we wanted to help make that decision a little easier,” Matthew Keator recently told LitNet. “We are inspired by all the support LitNet provides to the community, and our partnership in this endeavor and the difference it’s making in people’s lives is something we are proud of.”
5 Years
of the Program
New Americans
in N-400 Application Fees
Scholars Currently In-Progress

LitNet would not exist without our corps of dedicated and determined volunteer tutors.
Partner with LitNet: Ways to get involved!
Donors, Tutors, Business Partners
At the Literacy Network of South Berkshire (LitNet), we are dedicated to empowering adult learners through personalized education. Our mission thrives on the active involvement of community members like you. Whether you're interested in volunteering, donating, or partnering with us, your contribution makes a significant impact.

Become a Business Partner
Partner with us to support literacy education while gaining visibility in the community. Sponsorships help sustain our vital programs.