2024 Donors

We’re grateful to LitNet’s generous supporters who make our work possible.

Circle Accent

Select a donation category below to view the list of donors. 

This list includes supporters who gave from January 1 through December 31, 2024.


Names in bold are donors who have given 5+ years.

Anonymous (43)
Amy Abramovich
Elise Ring Abrams
Marion Adler
Cathleen & Richard Aldrich
Tanya & George Ambriz
Kathryn & Anthony Arevalo
Jaclyn Aubin-Freitag & Matthew Freitag
Barbara Babb & Peter Toran
Dr. Donald Bacigalupi
Gary Bahler
Sibylle Baier
Christine Baldridge
Dena Bancroft & Colby Lewis
Joan Bancroft
Lucy Bardo Harms & Benjamin Harms
Sandra Baron & Greg Diskant
Patricia & Will Barrett
Alice Beal & The Honorable William Francis Kuntz II
Anne & John Beardsley
Barbara Becker & David Bolotsky
Judith & Alan Benjamin
Wendy Benjamin & Mayra Rodriguez
Sandra & Eric Berkowitz
Lina Bermudez & Camilo Manrique
Lynn Bertelli & Alan Wilcox
Melissa & John Bissell
Paula & Noel Blagg
Stephanie Blumenthal & Benno Friedman
Hinda & Bill Bodinger
Jeannene Booher
Lorita & Thomas Bosworth
Molly & Louis Boxer
Ellen & Stephen Boyd
Sarah & Bronly Boyd
Stephanie & Carl Bradford
Paula Bradley
Marcella & Jeff Bradway
Jane Braus
Luke Breslin
Pamela Breslin
Marcia Brolli
Deborah Buccino & Eric Plakun
Don and Maggie Buchwald Foundation
Ashley & Nathaniel Buckley-Wright
Deborah & Richard Burke
Julie & Ethan Buyon
Laura Cabrera & Andres Perez
Laurel & Mario Caluori
Lynn Campana & Paul Hirt

Melissa Canavan & Dylan Caro-Canavan
Lisa Cavender & Nicholas Kierstead
Catheryn Chacon Ortega
Jerri Chaplin & Peter Herman
Roselle & Alan Chartock
Claudine Chavanne
Catherine & Matthew Chester
Amy & Quentin Chin
Kathleen Chrisman
Beth & Jeff Cohen
Laurence Cohen
Marsha & Stephen Cohen
Ronnie & Lawrence Cohen
Valerie Coleman & Joan Katter
Elizabeth Colhoun
Terry & Douglas Cooper
Claudia Coplan
Diane & Jack Cowles
Lindsay Crampton & Richard Greene
Susan Crofut
Judith Cromwell
Judith Culver
Tracy & Shaun Cusson
Karen Dalheim
Susan & Edmund Dana
Claudia Davidson
Jeanne & John Davidson
Katherine Dean & Fred Gordon
Marianne Deignan & Gray Ellrodt
Mollie & Mauer Desai
Grace Diggs
Leigh Doherty
Norma & Gilbert d’Oliveira
PJ Donahey
Laura Dubester
Susan and Bill Dunlaevy
Merle Duskin Kailas & Leo Kailas
Marsha & David Edell
Andrea Edwards
Gail Edwin & Robert Stein
Janet Egelhofer
Cia Elkin & Larry Gadd
Alane & Jim Fagin
Tricia Farley-Bouvier
Wendy & Eric Federer
Nora Fernandez & Kurt Goodrich
Chris Ferrero & Martin Sennett
Dena & John Fisher
Nancy Fitzpatrick & Lincoln Russell
Steffi Fletcher

Patricia Flinn
Susan & Henry Flint
Luiza Folegatti
Roz Forman
Tracy & Andrew Foster
Susan Foulds
Frederick M. Peyser Jr. Foundation
Christopher Freyer
Jill Friedlander & Michael Goroff
Janice & Steven Friedman
Richard Gibbons & Robert Ollis
Virginia Giddens
Kate Gigliotti
Elsie Gilligan
Allison & Vincent Giracca
Amanda Giracca & Ben Shalles
Robin & Peter Goldberg
David Goldenberg & Jeff Knam
Martha Gottron & John Felton
Adrienne & Stuart Gruskin
Thomas Gunning
Sue Gurland
Marianne & David Hall
Mary & Charles Hamilton
Ellen & Scott Hand
Julie & Steven Hannum
Janice & Harry Hartford
Marilyn & George Haus
Alexandra Heddinger & Marc Warren
Cheryl Heller & Gary Scheft
Eliza Hewat
Louise & Arthur Hillman
Susie & Stuart Hirschfield
Sarah Hitchcock-DeGregori & Alessandro DeGregori
Phuong Ho
Lois Hobbs & Bob Luhmann
Arlyn & Owen Hoberman
Joanne & Stephen Hodgin
Helen Hoffman Davies & John Haskett Davies
Phyllis & Peter Hofman
Charlotte Holubar
Jill Hornor & Yo-Yo Ma
Suzanne & Lynn Howard
Kristine Huffman & Reinout van Wagtendonk
Marc Hurel & Steven Perry
Marilou & John Hyson
Jane & Jack Fitzpatrick Trust
Wendy Jennis & Doug Mishkin
Leslie & Steve Jerome
Isabelle Kaplan

G. Busra Karkil & Jonah H. Carlson
Gloria & Armand Katz
Marilyn & Elihu Katzman
Hannah & Matthew Keator
Jackie & Ron Kelly
Pat Kennelly & Ed Keon
Julie & Franklin Kern
Athena & Richard Kimball
Susanne King
Joan Kinne
Lynn & Peter Kinne
Kristina & Stephen Kisiel
Phyllis Klein
Sara Kleiner-Goudey & Douglas Goudey
Sara Koffman
Kozupsky Family Charitable Fund
Leslie & Roy Kozupsky
Judith Lamet
Cathy & Henry Lanier
Beth Laster-Nathan & Michael Tanne
Shawn Leary Considine & Michael Considine
Donna Leep
Jane Lehman & Matthew Winter
Jeanne Lemlin & Edward Curtin
Hilda & Martin Levine
Aline Libassi & Thomas Morck
Kay Lindsay
Greg Lipper
Caitlin & Dusty Lopez
Lisa Loring
Wendy Mackey
Marcy Mann & Clayton Squire
Barbara & Roger Manring
Alissa Margulies
Marlene Marshall
Janis Martinson Sagarin & Stephen Sagarin
Georgia A. Massucco
William Matthiesen
Hillery Maxymillian
Elizabeth & Allen Mayer
Lee McClelland
Margaret McTeigue & Tom Wessel
Rebecca Meier
Julia and Gilbert Merrill Foundation Inc.
Ellen & Frank Michelman
Enid Michelman
Nancy Milbauer
Ann Miller
Mary Jo & Leonard Miller
Nancy & Michael Miller

Nancy & Tim Minkler
Leigh Minor & Charles Leach
Stefanie & Sean Mitchell
Frances Montgomery
Diane Moran
Nancy & Glenn Muller
Dorothy and Doug Munson
Elizabeth & James Murray
Leslie & Robert Murray
Marti Murray
Judith & Alexander Nardacci
Sandra Newman
Dana & Lukasz Niedzielski
Laurie Norton Moffatt & Craig Moffatt
Janet O’Brien
Stephen O’Brien
Anna Cypra Oliver & Stephan Klein
Brandon Pantorno
Marcia & Daniel Parnell
Carol Parrish & Paul Clark
Andrea & Daniel Patel
Wendy Pearson
Susan & Arthur Peisner
Elizabeth Perry
Marina & William Perry
Perri Petricca & Michelle Thorpe
Susan Pettee & Michael Wise
Andrew Pincus
Jane Pollack
Sybil Pollet
Asta Potter
Marcia Powdermaker & Andrew Potler
Ramelle Pulitzer & Michael Pulitzer, Jr.
Mary Ann & Bruno Quinson
Elaine Radiss & Richard Petrino
Cris Raymond
Allison Read
Julia Regan
Christina Reynolds
Karen Richards
Dawn Roetter
Joan Rogers & Jack Kelly
Gillian Rose
Karen & Jeffrey Ross
Alice & Donald Roth
Susan Rothschild & Donald Freedman
Cynthia Round
Rowntree Family Fund
James Ruberto
Linda Ruberto

Debra & Eric Ruder
Ellen Rudley & Neil Fox
Kim & Tom Ruffing
Linda & Frank Russell
Emily Russo & Peter Aronson
Jane K. Ryan
Diane Saunders & Bob Rosen
Myron Schiffer
Liz Schneider & Ben Liptzin
Deborah & Stephen Schreier
Catherine Schwartz
Denise & Robert Schwed
Harriet & Stuart Schweitzer
Carol & Richard Seltzer
Marcie Setlow & David Scribner
Julie Shapiro & Allan Dean
Marjorie & Barry Shapiro
Lois Sharzer
Leslie & Stephen Shatz
Sharon Shepard-Ballen & Bill Ballen
Claudia & Carl Shuster
Betty Siegenthaler
Robert Sims
Susanna Singer
Marcia Slaminsky
Lisa Sloane
Anna & Starbuck Smith
Deborah Detwiller Smith
Kathleen & Philip Smith
Elaine Sohn
Phan Soy & James Brooke
Ilana Steinhauer
Ana & Tim Suffish
Nina Sumers Myers & Alan C Myers
Lenore & Paul Sundberg
Kelly Sweet
Kenneth Terry
Sheila & Randy Thunfors
Arlene & Franklin Tolopko
Gina & John Toole
Hunter Toole
Luke Toole
Lynn & Joseph Toole
Travis Toole
Janice Toran & Bob Bogomolny
Liana Toscanini
Margot & Kip Towl
Joan & Peter Tyer
Rachel Urquhart & John Herrera
Joan L. & Michael G. Ury

Judy & Mark Usow
Suzannah & Pieter Van Schaick
Stephanie Vargas
Hester Velmans & Peter Cherneff
Susan Vernier & John Reynolds
Sally and Jeffrey Vincent
Elsa Vivero & James Sall
Cate Vojdik & Ivan Oransky
Elizabeth & James Wade
Paula Wardynski
Karin Watkins & Ron Ronan
Wendy & Michael Coakley
Jay Weintraub
Thomas Wessel
Reid & Laird White
Tara White
Jean & Peter Whitehead

Carol & Robert Williams
Carmel Wilson & David Foulds
Kathryn & Sean Wilson
Torey Winn
Teresa and Raymond Wise
Nancy Wissman
Sally Anne & Steve Wittenberg
Julius Wool
Diane Wortis & Joseph Bozza
Natalya & Sergey Yantovsky
Mary & Steve Yarmosky
Marlo Zarka
Christine & Raymond Zelehoski
Barbara Zheutlin & Jonathan Hankin
Rev. Dr. Janet Zimmerman
Angela Zorzi

Page Number:


51 Park Restaurant &Tavern
Adams Community Bank
Allied Business Solutions
Alta Restaurant & Wine Bar
Berkshire Health Systems
Big Y
Blue Q
Brazabra Corporation
Cain Hibbard & Myers PC
Canna Provisions
Clark’s Nursery
Samuel VanSant
Domaney’s Liquors and Fine Wines
Frankie’s Ristorante Italiano
Greylock Federal Credit Union
Guido’s Fresh Marketplace
Henry’s Electric inc.
Herringtons, Inc.
Hunter, Graziano & DiSantis, PC
Interprint, Inc.
Lee Bank
Merit Pages
NBT Bank
Norfolk & Dedham Group
October Mountain Financial Advisors
Onyx Specialty Papers, Inc.
Polson Electric, Inc.
SoCo Creamery
Suburban Internal Medicine
Tom Farley Land Design Inc.
Tom’s Toys
Toole Insurance-Acrisure New England
Tune Street
Ward’s Nursery and Garden Center
Wheeler & Taylor Reatly, Inc.
Windy Hill Farm, Inc.


The Andover Companies Charitable Foundation
Berkshire Bank Foundation
Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation
Black Rock Foundation
Chauncey Loomis Fund of the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation
Josephine and Louise Crane Foundation
The Feigenbaum Foundation, Inc.
The Geoffrey C. Hughes Foundation LLP
The Ruth Krauss Foundation, Inc.
Lee Bank
The Donald C. McGraw Foundation
Mill Town Foundation
Peckham Family Foundation
Dr. Robert C and Tina Sohn Foundation

Community Organizations

Berkshire Immigrant Center
Berkshire United Way, Inc.
First Congregational Church of Great Barrington
Hillcrest Educational Centers
Lea Flower Fund
Monterey United Church of Christ
St. Mary’s Parish
Thursday Morning Club
Town Of Egremont
Town of Lee Cultural Council

In Kind

Berkshire Magazine
Berkshire Mountain Distillers
Canyon Ranch
Classical Tents
Domaney’s Liquors and Fine Wines
Kwik Print, Inc.
Nejaime’s Wine Cellars
Spirited Wines
The Red Lion Inn

Matching Gifts

Charities Aid Foundation America (CAF)
General Dynamics Workplace Giving Program

Gifts in Honor of

Lucy Bardo-Harms & Ben Harms
Robert Carlson
Amy Chin
Zoë Dalheim
Leigh Doherty
Gail Edwin
Eric Federer
Melissa Greenlaw
Merle Kailas
Matthew & Hannah Keator
Laurie Norton Moffatt
Lesley Oransky
Lucy Prashker
Linda Russell
Diane Saunders
Lenore Sundberg
John Toole
Joan Ury
Susan Vernier & John Reynolds

Gifts in Memory of

Lola Cuevas
William Dillof
Steffi Fletcher
John D. Foulds
Bob Nason
Sue Weintraub
Louis Seymour Zimmerman

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