2024 Tutors

Tutors are the heart of LitNet. You embody the meaning of strength in partnership.

Circle Accent

Susanna Abarbanel
Amy Abramovich
Elena Aguilar
Katharine Allentuck
Sue Arkans
Gary Bahler
Cori Barbato
Alice Bassen
Yvette Bastow
Merle Berman
Jan Berrick
Sam Bittman
Debby Bobson
Pat Boland
Neil Bomberg
Molly Boxer
Luke Breslin
Pamela Breslin
Maria Brun
Beverly Brunette
Sarah Bullitt
Michael Bullock
Justin Burke
Erik Butler
Felix Carroll
Liz Chambers
Lisa Chapman
Peter Cherneff
Gordon Clark
Sheela Clary
Molly Cliff
Elaine Cohen
Marsha Cohen
Stephanie Cohen
Val Coleman
Elizabeth Colhoun
Meghan Cortner
Jack Cowles
Judith Cromwell
Steve Cunningham
Dianne Cutillo
Ada Beth Cutler
Hope Davis
Allan Dean
Kathie Dean
Andrew DeGiacomo
John Deming
Glenn Devoti
Grace Diggs
Charles Dockery

David Edell
Carol Edelman
Linda Egan
Sara Ehle
Gretchen Eliason
Peter Elliston
Dan Entwistle
Abby Escobar
Shawn Fields
Sharon Fleck
Cathy Folkers
Julia French
Janice Friedman
David Frione
Jane Fucillo
Alice Giarrusso
Kate Gigliotti
Elsie Gilligan
Amanda Giracca
Russ Glazer
Barbara Goldberg
David Goldenberg
Susan Gordon
Dave Gorson
Marty Gottron
Jennifer Greenberg
Theodore Gross
Adrienne Gruskin
Sabine Guerra
Sue Gurland
Trudy Hall
Terri Handler
Robbi Hartt
Tom Haskins-Vaughan
Leslye Heilig
Janna Herman
Monica Herman
Phuong Ho
Charlotte Holubar
Sadie Honig-Briggs
Jed Horowitz
Kitty Humpstone
Marc Hurel
Dorthe Hviid
Marilou Hyson
Leslie Ioffredo
Jane Jacobs
Renee Johns
Hilda Jongkind
Charles Joslyn

Gloria Katz
Sara Kiesel
Liudmyla Kononenko
Laurie Kropkowski
Donna Leep
Jeanne Lemlin
Tobey Levine
Aline Libassi
Juliana Lopez
Wendy Mackey
Annabel Marcinek
Marcy Mann
Laura Mars
Maria Martin Arenas
Macaire Mase
Colin Mathews
Lise Mayer
Michael McTeigue
Julie Medeiros
Ed Meeks
Tom Menner
Nancy Miller
Jim Moran
Anne Morrill
Lloyd Moss
Deanna Mummert
Leslie Murray
Robin Murray
Glenn Myers
Mary Navin
Janet O’Brien
Christine Ocheltree
Ted Okun
Barbara Orville
Barbara Palumbo
Carol Parrish
Katie Pasco Frisnia
Sienna Patti
Wendy Pearson
Stephen Pelletier
Andrew Pincus
Diane Piraino
Ronn Platt
Elaine Radiss
Miranda Ralph
Taz Ramos Dos Santos
Julia Regan
Janice Robbins
Chandra Rodrigues
Mayra Rodriguez

Alice Roth
Linda Russell
Ellen Russo
Ronnie Sacco
Ella Saupe
Paul Scheiber
Cathy Schwartz
Barry Shapiro
Marjorie Shapiro
Lois Sharzer
Leslie Shatz
Adalyn Shufelt
Marc Siegel
Betty Siegenthaler
Beatrice Smith
Elaine Sohn
Immar Sosa Sigaran
Erica Spizz
Clayton Squire
Scott Steibel
Eleanor Strehl
Lenore Sundberg
Kelly Sweet
Karen Taylor
Janice Toran
Jessica Treat
Joan Ury
Ed Valentine
Kathy Van Orman
Reinout van Wagtendonk
Mary Verdi
Tom Verdi
Elsa Vivero
Nancy Walters
Hannah Weeks
Melanie Willins
Sally Wittenberg
Julius Wool
Elisabeth Youngerman
Debbie Youngleman
Barbara Zheutlin

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Partner with LitNet: Ways to get involved!

Donors, Tutors, Business Partners

At the Literacy Network of South Berkshire (LitNet), we are dedicated to empowering adult learners through personalized education. Our mission thrives on the active involvement of community members like you. Whether you're interested in volunteering, donating, or partnering with us, your contribution makes a significant impact.

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