March 2024
Dear LitNet Community,
Your continued support makes it possible for the Literacy Network to empower our adult learners to find their voices, navigate their daily lives, participate actively in the world of their children, and make positive changes in their lives. Above all, it gives our learners the tools to become an integral part of our Berkshire community.
LitNet learners are our neighbors as well as the local Berkshire County workforce. Many open businesses, provide services and enrich our community in countless ways. In 2023, LitNet partnered with 328 adult learners across Berkshire County to open new doors. In the fall of 2023, we hit a record number of clients served simultaneously- over 200! We started 2024 with 185 active tutor-learner pairs and 20+/- on our waiting list, this has increased to 30+/- as the year has progressed with new learners inquiring almost daily. To say LitNet is an active place is an understatement.
Thanks to the Keator Family Scholarship for New Americans, we welcomed 13 new American citizens in 2023. Each of these new Americans partnered with LitNet tutors to prepare for their naturalization interviews and exams. Already in 2024, we have a handful of other potential new citizens, all Keator Family Scholars, who are hard at work with their tutor and are slated to have their naturalization interviews in the coming months. Talk about opening new doors!
Without your support, we could not do what we do. Each gift matters and makes a direct impact. Thank you for helping our community thrive by being a vital part of our broad-reaching network of tutors, learners, and mentors. You make all this possible!
At a recent event, one of our LitNet tutors shared the following with his learner:
“I know you have the potential to do great things and if a language barrier were to hold you back it would be a shame – it would be a shame for you, for your family, and it would be a shame for the community because it would be our loss.”
~Marc, LitNet tutor to his learner
Every gift to LitNet fills a direct need–for onboarding tutors and learners, providing relevant and diverse tutoring resources, offering tutor training workshops, and taking the time to assess our learners’ progress and track their English language level. In addition, tutors and learners form meaningful, life-changing relationships.
Your belief in and support of our mission confirms the power of community. Once again, thank you for supporting us… together, we make the challenges possible. A contribution to LitNet is an investment in our Berkshire community.
Your partnership is our strength,