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April Newsletter 2024

April 29, 2024

Every quarter, we ask our volunteer tutors to submit a report sharing the progress their learner has demonstrated over the past few months. Not every single tutor submits a report, but we had very strong response rate this quarter. We have re-vamped the questions on the form this year to better capture accurate data about the effectiveness of LitNet’s tutoring programs. Such data is required by some of our funders, who are essential to LitNet’s existence.

We were so pleased to receive this batch of reports that we thought we would share some of the results with you! It is hard to imagine that being paired with a LitNet tutor WOULDN’T have some kind of impact on a learner’s English skills, but we are so delighted with just how many tutors were able to provide specific examples of their learner’s progress in English speaking, reading, and comprehension, like “held our first conversation without Google translate” or “she is now able to read a text and answer comprehension questions.” 

We also request that tutors and learners let us know when learners achieve life milestones, such as getting a driver’s license, buying a new home, getting accepted into an educational or training program, or getting a new job. These successes aren’t always a direct result of tutoring, but they do provide insight into what our learners are accomplishing in life in addition to language skills. We are so grateful for the tutors who took the time to fill out their reports–their responses help tell our story and share our impact. 

Take a look at what some of our learners accomplished in the first quarter:

Learners Progress 2024
Learners Milestones 2024

Thank you for being on the journey with us to help transform the lives of adult learners, both immigrant and U.S.-born! We look forward to sharing more of our impact in future newsletters.

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