Hugo Faria
Advising Director @ MCLA | Managing Director @ Autentike

Degrees / Certifications:
B.A. from Yale/Master in International Affairs from Columbia/Certificate in Higher Education Leadership and Administration UMass Amherst, currently enrolled in the Master of Education program UMass Amherst.
Why LitNet's mission matters or why it resonates with me:
LitNet works with the most vulnerable members of our community so that they can acquire the power of communication so that they can engage and contribute. That’s what LitNet has done for over 30 years, that’s what LitNet does today. The Berkshires is a better, stronger community because of LitNet.
Hugo is dedicated to improving college access and post-college success for under-represented students. Hugo worked at Sponsors for Educational Opportunity as the VP responsible for their top-of-class college program, and later became SEO’s first COO. At Autentike Advisors Hugo works on higher education access-success projects. Hugo is also the Education Advising Director at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, leading the development and implementation of a comprehensive advising system for undergraduate and graduate students.
Previously Hugo worked for three decades in finance. Hugo started at Citibank and went on to leadership positions at other top-tier banks. Hugo held a range of global and regional Managing Director roles gaining on the ground experience in four continents.
Hugo received a B.A. from Yale, a Master in International Affairs from Columbia, and a Certificate in Higher Education Leadership and Administration from UMass Amherst, where he is currently enrolled in the Master of Education program.