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Distance Learning Initiative

September 18, 2020

LitNet is excited to announce our new Distance Learning Initiative!  

As the pandemic lingers, LitNet longs to return to our mission of providing one-to-one tutoring in ESOL, GED, and citizenship prep for locally-based immigrants and U.S.-born learners. Over the past several months, LitNet has spent time learning about the many ways some of our valued tutors have maintained their relationships with learners in a virtual manner during the course of the pandemic. We intend to build off of their experience and expertise to design and deliver relevant training for a group of other LitNet tutors volunteers interested in helping them feel confident about online teaching. We’ll introduce very simple tips about getting started, as well as more advanced methods for using online resources, to help LitNet tutors offer personalized, meaningful sessions. 

Solidifying this new pedagogy can only serve to enrich and enhance LitNet’s tutoring model which, once we can be in person again, we envision becoming a hybrid model, blending in-person tutoring with relevant online interactions as a supplement. The Distance Learning Initiative will include training, mentorship, and regular check-ins to help each tutor participant to meet success as they transition to this mode of tutoring in the near future. Once we know more about what tutors need to feel at their best while teaching in a virtual manner, we will expand our training opportunities to all interested LitNet tutors.

Are you a LitNet tutor who would like to join our Distance Learning Initiative? Please contact Leigh Doherty at [email protected] by September 25.
