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Moving Forward: LitNet’s Recent In-Depth Analysis

October 5, 2020

Like most of the world, LitNet is encountering challenges in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Being that the safety and well-being of our tutors and learners are at the forefront of all we do, in March of 2020 we paused our in-person, one-on-one tutoring, a paramount feature in our mission-driven services.

During the pause and because we were determined to carry on our mission as we waited for the pandemic out, the LitNet Board voted to engage in an in-depth analysis focused on ideas and best practices for LitNet to consider in order to carry on with our services, despite the change in the mode of delivery. Entitled “2020 Pandemic and Beyond: How the Literacy Network of South Berkshire can assure its sustainability for the duration of COVID-19 and beyond,” the report was researched and written by LitNet’s Executive Director Leigh Doherty.

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