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November Newsletter 2024

December 2, 2024

Dear LitNet Community:

Thanks are in order.

Thank you, LitNet learners, for your bravery in choosing the particular challenge you have undertaken with LitNet, whether that’s learning English, becoming a citizen, or looking to complete your high school equivalency. Your commitment to yourself makes our community a better place.

Thank you, volunteer tutors, for your dedication, commitment, time, patience, and care. You demonstrate the qualities we need more of in this world. I’m thankful I’m able to call YOU my neighbors and friends.

Thank you, donors, for sharing your resources so that we can continue our work. Your generosity is what keeps us afloat.

Thank you to my staff and board who have chosen to dedicate their valuable time and expertise to our cause. You keep this engine going.

Together, we make our community a more loving place. You are what gives me hope in this world.

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