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September Newsletter 2023

October 3, 2023

It was dark and stormy. It was hot and humid. But nobody would argue that it wasn’t also joyous and celebratory and emotional and uplifting. If you were at Tapas, Tequila & Tango on September 9, you know what I’m talking about.

I’m pleased to inform you that the evening was also a fruitful one: we surpassed our fundraising goal. It was poignant: former board member Bill Dunlaevy spoke eloquently about how LitNet addresses such a fundamental need: “the ability to read and understand the language of our land.” And it was powerful: our tutor-learner speakers made us laugh and cry. I mean, as director of this organization, what more could I have asked for our annual fundraising celebration, honoring 32 years of LitNet?

Okay, maybe for it to be ten degrees cooler and for the storms to have refrained from letting loose for at least another two hours. But!

All in all, it was such a successful night, thanks to YOU. Your sponsorships, ticket purchases, and paddle raise donations; your donations from afar and your donated tickets; your choice to show up and try out the dance floor or to simply be a part of our great network; it’s you and your belief that our learners deserve the opportunity to grow and thrive that keeps our organization going. Thank you for making it a memorable night. 

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