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July Newsletter 2024

August 5, 2024

As many of you know, LitNet held a storytelling event last Saturday at the New Marlborough Meeting House. Five of our brave learners and one brave tutor took the stage to tell personal stories on the theme of challenge. I’m sure you can imagine the trepidation that might come with talking about yourself on stage to a room full of strangers. (And a full room it was that night.) But imagine doing it in a language you are just learning, in a culture that may still feel foreign, about a time you went through something personally challenging. 

These brave storytellers were able to show off their English skills in progress. But more importantly, they shared with us vital stories about being human. Their willingness to share their challenges and the audience’s captive attention in hearing these stories reinforces the love, patience, and humility that I believe are at the core of all of LitNet’s work. If you were able to attend, thank you for bearing witness to these learners’ stories. If you were not, we are dedicating this month’s Faces of LitNet column to sharing photos, a brief recap of the stories, and a recording of the event. We are grateful for Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation’s Arts Build Community grant for helping to fund this project. 

In other LitNet news, our annual celebration invitations are in the mail! We look forward to celebrating with you on September 20th.

I am also pleased to share with you the results from our second quarter tutor reports. So far in 2024, 19 learners have received some kind of licensure or certification,17 have gotten new jobs, and five have become new citizens. Learn about other successes by visiting our impact page.

Your support makes it all possible! Thank you for being a part of the LitNet family.

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